Sunday, January 27, 2019

Gifs: The story of the Trump Shutdown

For the last three years Donald Trump has been saying we need a wall and that Mexico will pay for it!

Paul Ryan could have passed a funding bill with wall money in it but he didn't. He decided to pass tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.

Trump meets with Chuck and Nancy in the Oval Office and tells them he has the votes in congress to get the wall approved. Nancy tells him he doesn't have the votes.

Trump says he'll own the shutdown if he doesn't get wall funding.

The Republican controlled House and Senate vote to fund the government. Trump says he will sign the bill.

Ann Counter calls Trump weak and says he better get the
wall funded or else his base will turn against him

Trump changes his mind and the government shuts down.

By this time the control of the house is turned over to the Democrats
who immediately elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

Trump tells Speaker Pelosi he wants the American taxpayers to pay for his wall.

Nancy says

Trump keeps demanding a wall.

Nancy suggests postponing the State of the Union address.

Trump cancels Nancy's trip to the war zone, inadvertently exposing national security.
MAGA goes wild.

Nancy passes 10 bills to re-open the government!

Trump tries to blame Democrats for the shutdown.

Democrats be like...

Republican in the senate be like...

Senator Lindsey Graham be like...

Mitch McConnell be like...

Trump said,
"I dare Nancy to try and stop me from making my state of the union speech at the capital."

Nancy Pelosi said, "Not today, Satan! You will not be making that speech in the People's House!"

Then Flight attendants and Air Traffic Controllers said, "We will lock down every bit of airspace
and will fuck up the Super Bowl including not allowing private jets to fly."

Trump caved and accepted Nancy's deal.
He shut down the government for 35 days and got nothing for it.

And MAGA was like...

But MAGA was also like...

However, America was like...

Thinking everything was all good, Trump begged Nancy to let him give his speech.

Nancy said, "Let me think about it and I'll get back you."

The White House said the fight wasn't over and they were ready to do anything to get their wall.

Nancy said, "Bring it."

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How to fix the American political system in four easy steps

Millions of Americans arose on the morning of November 9, 2016 shell shocked. For the second time in less than 20 years the candidate who lost the popular vote was going to be president. Not only was the loser of the election going to be president, his party, the Republicans--who faired no better in the election that the president-elect did--were going to be in control of all three branches of government. America isn't a direct democracy it is a republic. Which means we elect representatives to vote on our behalf in the federal government. It has primarily worked as it was designed (for rich white landing owning men) for the past 240 hundred years. It has also seen great expansion by giving the franchise to women and Black People. Of course those expansions were not without violence. People in power want to hold onto to power. Now, that process has stopped working. What changed? The Republican Party realized a long time ago it was dying out. A party consisting of voters that are 90% white and aging can not hope to survive in a country that is rapidly browning. So through a series of tactically bold moves the GOP went about setting up a Permanent Republican Majority. They brilliantly exploited the flaws of our 200 plus year-old election system to ensure they--as an ever shrinking minority party--will grab and hold onto vast amounts of power while ensuring the majority of us are locked out on every conceivable level. In less than two short decades they have mostly succeeded. The supreme court now has a 5-4 Republican majority that will keep the Liberal wish list in peril for the next generation. What's worse they have weaponized the lower courts by appointing far right-wing judges which will keep American law/ policy outside of the mainstream of the American electorate. As large numbers of people move closer to the left on social and economic issues the courts will keep the country firmly bolted to anti-worker, pro-religious norms. Gilead, here we come.

But things can be fixed. Quite simply. In four easy steps. Here's how:

Eliminate the Electoral College

Without getting into the racist creation of the Electoral College to ensure white, slaveholding southern men get disproportionate power the arcane and antiquated idea just doesn't work in modern America. The demographics and geography of where people actually live has made it obsolete. Many people erroneously argue that without the E.C. presidential candidates will only compete in large populated states and forget everybody else. That may have been true in 1804 but it's certainly not now. The United States is vast with millions of people every where. Even if a candidate won the majority of votes from America's 25 largest cities that would not ensure electoral victory. And the E.C. has replaced candidates going to the most popular states to only campaigning in "battlegrounds" states. So every four years millions of dollars and hundreds of hours of campaigning, winner speculation and cable news time is spent hanging on the opinions of Americans who live in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, Colorado and North Carolina. This ends up being unfair to the millions of voters outside of those 15 or so battlegrounds whose votes literally don't count. It also has a suppressive effect. Voter turnout in New York and Oklahoma are lower than the national average. Why? Because those are "safe" states so presidential candidates never bother to show up to campaign in them. So folks in those states don't vote at the same rate as people in Pennsylvania or Iowa. The popular vote/ E.C. mismatch is part of the reason so many liberals are enraged. In spite of receiving more votes than any of her male counterparts (or any man in history save Barack Obama) Hillary Clinton, who won the election by 3 million votes, holds no office.

Make all partisan gerrymandering illegal

This should go without saying. Gerrymandering has been a problem for centuries in this country. It has become horrendous in the age of the Republican desire to consolidate power. In 2016 Republicans only received about 49.1% of the total vote (Democrats got about 48%) for seats in the House of Representatives yet Republicans control 55% of the seats. This means half the country is basically barred from having a voice in a government that controls 320 million people. No other state has been gown zero of voter suppression and gerrymandering than North Carolina. The Republicans took control of the state general assembly in 2010. Being that it was a census year the GOP legislatures got to redraw the new congressional districts after the census was compiled. North Carolina went from a purple state to deeply red. Even though Democrats have gotten tens of thousands more votes in statewide elections the Republicans have a super majority in both chambers of the legislature and the NC congressional delegation. If you went by actually votes cast Democrats would have 7 seats and Republicans would have 6 seats. Instead Republicans have 10 seats which means they have 60% more seats than they should. Unfortunately for the residents of NC those badly gerrymandered maps will be in use in the 2018 midterms. Gerrymandering cools voting and creates a malaise in the electorate. It drives down voter turnout which in turn helps the Republican Party stay in control. Think about how all of those North Carolinians who voted for Democrats feel knowing they are the majority of the state and a few politicians in Raleigh are doing things that are an anathema to them.

Restore the judicial filibuster rule in the senate

Mitch McConnell has done more to break and destroy our democracy than any other politician in my lifetime. He's as ruthless as Pompey and as ambitious as Lex Luther. He changed the senate rules that forced the senate to require supreme court justices to get 60 votes to be confirmed. Many people will argue that Harry Reid started it by changing the filibuster rule for lower judicial appointments but he did it because Republicans were gumming up every nominee President Obama put forth. McConnell also stole a supreme court seat from Barack Obama. He has pushed through more right-wing judicial appointments in the first two years of a presidency than any time in our history. Even after his death the affects he has made on the federal judiciary will be felt decades. We must return to the 60 vote rule for both lower court judges and supreme court justices.

Judicial term limits

No president nor political party--no mater how popular or unpopular--should be allowed to appointed judges for a lifetime. Donald will hopefully be a one term president but his judges will be ruling on cases 25-30 years from now. His two SCOTUS picks are 51 and 53 years of age. Imagine Gorsuch and Kavanaugh still ruling on constitutional matters in the year 2043. Let's have term limits of 10-12 years (like the FBI director). This way no political party can have a stranglehold on the courts.

Bonus. Fix the voting rights act.

Now let's rerun the 2016 elections with my changes and see how things would be working out for us.
  • Hillary Clinton would be president.
  • The Republicans would control the house but would only have 214 seats. A simple majority but not enough seats to pass legislation without some Democrats joining (you need 218 votes to pass a bill in the house). The Democrats would have 209 seats. Bipartisanship would have to come into play. If you want to see what happens with one party rule look no further than North Carolina. The two parties would have to work together to craft meaningful legislation.
  • The Republicans would control the senate (51-49). But President Clinton would have to appoint judges that would clear the 60 seat threshold and we would not be stuck with judges who believe desegregation (Brown v Board of Education) was a bad idea. 
Democracy is not about winners or losers. It's about everybody feeling represented. Our present system feels rigged and could lead to dangerous consequences for us all. When people feel left out they turn to strongmen and autocrats. We see what a burgeoning dictatorship feels like now. Let's stop it before it gets worse.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

America the Broken

Donald Trump didn't break America. America was already broken. That's how he was able to get elected in the first place.

How did we get to the point where two uniquely and universally disliked candidates ended up vying for the most powerful elected office in the world? The very thought of the 2016 presidential election conjures the notion that on the morning of November 9, 2016 millions of Americans awoke to the horror or the delight of Donald Trump having been elected president. A man so vile, cruel and inept it still to this day defies logic. But Trump wasn't a magician or a pied piper. He didn't trick anybody into voting for him. There was no illusion to his run. No alchemy. Donald Trump was the product of a generation of right-wing racial resentment, fear-mongering and conspiracy theory rolled into a neatly packaged rage bomb. Trump was the culmination of decades of Republicans programming its members to accept the abnormal and untruthful. But if Trump was the ultimate cypher of Republican sophistry then was Hillary Clinton the ultimate vehicle for Democrats' indolence and equivocation? The answer to that question is, YES.

When Bush's brain, Karl Rove, spoke of creating a "Permanent Republican Majority" he understood that the GOP was a dying party. How could it not be. The very voters Republicans rely on are literally dying out. White people. The Republican party is 90% white. A white political party that resides in a country that is getting more brown every day is doomed unless they do things to ensure they hold power long after their numbers can sway elections. So the Republican strategy has not been to expand the party but to expand the party's power. In order to expand power the GOP needs loyal subjects. Foot soldiers that will go to the polls in significant numbers to keep the party afloat long enough to twist the levers of power in its favor. In 1984 Newt Gingrich did something revolutionary. He started his own conservative talk show on C-SPAN. At the time Newt an uncoothly loud back-bencher from Georgia. He was red-faced angry at everything liberals did. It's didn't matter. Liberals were the enemy of the people. Newt brought the simplicity of Newspeak to politics. Republicans Good! Democrats Bad. His no holds barred vitriol was seen as gauche then but by 1994 his branding worked. Newt and the "Moral Majority" swept into power. Bringing the House of Representatives under Republican control for the first time in almost five decades. Newt begot Rush. Rush begot Fox News. Fox News begot Breitbart. Brietbart begot internet trolls. And here were are.

For over two decades Fox News was not only the Republican party's paramour it was its mouth-piece. The cable channel has become the go to source for GOP's orgasmic rage against all things left. As the Republican Party careened from center-right to completely crazy, Fox was there all the way to stoke racial animus, misogyny and xenophobia. Republican strategists know the GOP is bereft of new ideas. They also knew that keeping people anxious, fearful and angry was the best way to get them to vote. In every election. This is why the Republican party is so unified. A Republican from Arkansas will say the same thing as a Republican from Massachusetts. Trump didn't light a fire under the base's asses. They were already conditioned to attached themselves to an ever angrier, ever whiter idol. The Republican party instilled it's members with sociopathy. That's why they can laugh at a sexual assault survivor and cheer at the death of unarmed Black people at the hands of police or turn a blind eye to immigrant children locked in cages. The Republicans have built a cult army that is ready to destroy America in order to keep their elite in power and there is nothing anybody can say to change their minds.

As the GOP was becoming more militant by weoponizing people's fear, the Democrats were chasing the ghosts of their past constituencies. After the brutal loses of 1980s the left was hungry for a win. Sensing the country had moved to the right, Bill Clinton along with Al From of the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) decided to run for president not as a liberal but as a conservative pro-capital punishment Democrat. With that slim victory in 1992 the Democrats abandoned women (Geraldine Ferraro) and Black voters (Run Jesse Run) to try to woo back the "Blue Dog" Democrats they'd lost to Reagan in 1984. When Newt ascended the speakership in the Republican Revolution of 1994, Clinton doubled down and signed entire swaths of right-wing legislation. I am still nonplussed at the fact that a Democrat (I'm looking at you Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders) signed the Crime Bill, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the Defense of Marriage Act, the Freedom of Religion Restoration Act and the Welfare to Work Act. Clinton gave the Republicans everything they wanted in return for a few more white votes.

So the two parties were locked in a viscous cycle. Republicans would act more and more outrageously, the Democrats would crack and acquiesce in the name of decorum. When Barack Obama came to power in 2008 he had both houses of congress firmly in control of Democrats but instead of ramming through every piece of liberal legislation his base was clamoring for he wanted conciliation and compromise. However noble those former norms were President Obama fundamentally misread the landscape by thinking the Republicans were willing to work with him. A few did at first but after seeing the seething contempt of their base for a Black president even the most moderate Republicans turned into snarling maniacs. These moderates were further eroded under Trump--see Senator Lindsay Graham epic meltdown during the Kavanaugh confirmation. Unfortunately Hillary Clinton used the same playbook as Clinton and Obama. Though she was much more forthright and called out the racism on the right, she played it too safe when trying to hold onto some white voters. She tried to thread the needle of not scaring off white moderates while still appealing to Black People and Voters of Color.

Donald Trump didn't break America. Unfortunately the only way to fix it is by fire. Liberals have to understand that there is an asymmetric war going on for the soul of the country. If the country is to be repaired liberals are going to have to fight for it. This is why I have hope with a new crop of Democrats like Beto O'Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams. Fiery. Determined. Not backing down. They are fighting for a country where higher wages and healthcare are considered radical but arming teachers is not. Maybe if they can stop the runaway train that Republicanism has become then maybe there is a hope of at least staring to unshatter our country.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Stranger Things revisited

We all know and love the Netflix series "Stranger Things" with its intoxicating mix of 80s synth nostalgia and hip 21st Century self-irony. For Gen Xers its a glimpse into our childhoods; the freshness of Star Wars, Atari and New Wave music. It transports us back to those darken cinemas when horror movies could still scare us without copious amounts of blood and sex. The Duffer Brothers created "The Goonies" if it were directed by "John Carpenter". But ultimately Stranger Things tells us of a time we are probably misremembering. With the uncertainty and jiggery pokery of the current presidential administration, we all long for the simpler time of what we are now thinking the 80s were. The show is set in 1983 in a small Indiana town. Our stalwart crew of 5 friends were all born in the early 1970s. That would put them around their mid-to-late forties now. Here's my guess of what happened to the Boys and El in those 30 intervening years.

Will Byers, the boy whose disappearance kicked off a phenomenon realized during high school that it wasn't Jennifer Hayes--the girl crying at his funeral--that he wanted but his best friend Mike. He suppressed his feelings during college, even joining an ultra-religious cult. He tried his hand at being a Christian minister, finally coming to turns that he was gay. He left his wife and children in Hawkins and is not the manager of a graphic design business living with his 28 year-old Honduran boyfriend named Javier in Riverside, CA.

Mike Wheeler, the leader of the group, remained friends with the Boys until attended Notre Dame where he majored in accounting. He briefly lived in Chicago with El but had to return to Indiana when his father died of a massive heart attack. Eleven kept going back to the Upside Down so he ended up marrying Jennifer Hayes--the girl crying at Will's funeral--before they moved to Arizona and buying a lawn care/ beauty salon business in strip mall in Scottsdale. They named their oldest daughter, Twelve.

Lucas Sinclair, the brains and soul of the group graduated Hawkins High School, where he became class president, before going to Northwestern University where he majored in journalism and communication. After college he briefly came back to Hawkins where he ran as a Republican for the Indiana state senate. He languished on the back bench for a few years when he realized he was too ambitious for a small Midwestern town. He left Indiana and now owns a media company and frequently appears on cable news as a Never Trumper GOP strategist. He lives in Dallas with his wife who is a local newscaster.

Dustin Henderson, the funniest member of the group, never really hit his "stride" or at least that what he tells people where he works. He is the co-owner of a comic books store/ coffee house. He still lives in the same house he grew up in. He emails Lucas, Mike and Will regularly but they rarely email him back. He's the only one who is still in contact with El and he tries to go see Mr. Clarke at the SpringCare Nursing home but sometimes his 1997 Toyota Corolla breaks-down. Every Friday night he hosts a classic Sci-Fi party at the Hawkins Cinema.

Eleven finally found her birth mother in the neighboring town. Their relationship was turbulent and thankfully short. Plus her aunt kept wanting El to give her money for cigarettes and drugs. She lived with Mike for a while when he was in Chicago but she could never adjust to normalcy. She joined the Peace Corp and travelled the world helping people. The last anyone heard of her she had invited a sustainable sweet potato--the proceeds from which she bought stock in Kellogg.

Nancy Wheeler, Mike's precocious sister, left Hawkins and never looked back. She attended NYU--along with Jonathan Byers. They hooked up once after a drunken party at friend's apartment on St. Mark's but nothing came of it. She went to graduate school in Boston where she studied Political Science. She interned in the Clinton White House. She kept telling Monica Lewinsky, "Don't get caught with the monster, Barb." but the intern just looked at her with distain. Afterward she went to work in various organizations until she was tapped to run the New York Office of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. She and Steve Harrington still see each other whenever they have time.

Jonathan Byers
, Will's brother, got his lifelong wish and attended NYU and studied photography. He never went back to Indiana to live. In 2016 he won a Pulitzer Prize for his coffee table book entitled "Hillbilly Hawkins: A Town and Country in Crisis". The book was about the poor downtrodden white families of Hawkins that had succumbed to drugs when the government shuttered Hawkins National Laboratory.

Steven Harrington went to the University of Indiana on a lacrosse scholarship. He flunked out and ended up going to East Indiana State where he became a computer programmer. He met his future wife there and they both moved to Indianapolis and started a company that helped corporation protect their data from cyber-attacks. He was fired after one of his major clients, the DNC, was hacked in 2016. His son Kenny, who doesn't talk a lot, also attended East Indie with a kid named Axl Heck.

Joyce Byers remained in Hawkins. She went on to manage Melvin's General Store when Donald got too old. There were always rumors that she and Hop had an affair but she and the guy who ran the local Hawkins Radio Shack ended up in a common law marriage. She quietly tells friends that Will "turned gay" after the tragic events of that week in November, 1983.

Karen Wheeler, Mike's mom was devastated after her husband died of a massive heart attack. She didn't love him but who else was going to take care of her and her young daughter. To get her mind off things she went on a cruise where she met a former Indianapolis Colt running back who owned a string of car dealerships across the Midwest. They were married before the cruise was over and she moved with him to a mansion in Indianapolis. Her daughter Holly, grew up and is the communications director of a mega-church near Cleveland and spends all her time spreading the word of God and trolling liberals with pro-Trump propaganda on social media.

Chief Hopper stayed on as the local sheriff. He successfully kept the town safe. He never seemed to find love and went through years of unsuccessful relationships with a succession of librarians. He finally retired from the force and pretty much stays in his trailer. He's sometimes seen in town where people whisper that he sits in front of his TV watching Fox News and screaming about the Deep State. They say he refuses to use any electronic devices.

Tommy H got Carol pregnant. They moved into the trailer park off Mirkwood and had a stormy relationship. They appeared on one of the earliest episodes of Maury for a paternity test. Tommy got caught selling cocaine and went to prison. He was killed in a mysterious hit a run by 3 guys in a van--one of them was identified as looking like Tom Hanks' son. Carol works at the lunch lady as Hawkins High. The kids love it when she comes to work drunk and curses them all out. They post pics of her all the time on Snapchat.

Friday, August 18, 2017

What if hate was on the other foot?

Let's have a thought experiment, shall we? I want you to sit back. Close your eyes. Now picture a beautiful southern city, like, Charlotte. Now imagine if you will a warm summer evening. Now in a part of Charlotte I want you to pretend you see an old decrepit building.  The building is at least 100 years old and it has Arabic writing on the side of it. It has four towers. I'm sure you are picturing a mosque. That's good.

Now imagine this mosque has been dedicated to radical Islamic teachings. The adherents of the teachings of this mosque carried out all sorts of atrocities on Americans for decades. Murders, beheadings, lynchings. All sorts of horrible things. Now, if you can, imagine that the city council of Charlotte has decided to demolish this mosque and build a park in the name of peace in its place. So one Friday night a few young people go to this mosque to hold up signs that read "Love over Hate" and "Tear down this symbol of hate". A short distance from this mosque is a church filled with people holding an interfaith service. Now see a couple hundred Radical Jihadist start marching down the streets of Charlotte carrying torches. Picture in your mind those Jihadist surrounding the church. Chanting "Death to America" and "Die Infidel Die". Image them attack the small number of peaceful demonstrators sending one man to the hospital in critical condition from being punched in the throat by a torch. The man later suffers a stroke because of the severity of his injuries.

Imagine the next day, these Jihadist--who have decided to go by the term Alt-Religious--have a "legal permit" to show up at the mosque to protest its removal. They arrive bearing symbols of hate. They carry weapons. They bring with them riot gear like shields, helmets and batons. Now think for a moment a group of anti-terrorist protesters show up. They too are angry. They claim the Jihadist have no place in America. So a few fights break out. Soon the Jihadist start beating people with their bats. A young man suffers a broken hand and has to get multiple-stitches in his head. The Jihadist grow more violent and start throwing bottles filled with urine and full cans of soda at the anti-terrrorist protesters. The Jihadist target the Christians ministers who have shown up in solidarity with the anti-terrorist protesters.

As the tension mounts a 20 year-old radicalized Jihadist jumps in his car and plows into a crowd of anti-terrorist protesters. Bloodied and broken bodies fly everywhere. In the aftermath of the attack, one young woman is dead, 19 injured and 5 remain in the hospital with critical injuries. The country is shocked by the level of violence. People want answers. How can these violent Jihadist, who have a history of abhorrent attacks on Americans, be allowed to behave in such a reprehensible manner. We all love to exercise our free speech rights but these Jihadist encourage violence and have shown no remorse over the death of the young woman killed in the terror attack. Actually these Jihadist are vocal with their praise of the murder and even send the murdered woman's mother death threats.

Now imagine the president of the United States holding a press conference. Now imagine during that press conference the president of the United States says the following:

"I watched those much more closely than you people watched it, and you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent."

"What about the anti-terrorist protesters that came charging at, as you say, the Alt-Religious, do they have any semblance of guilt? What about the fact that they have charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs. Do they have any problem? I think they do."

"I own a house in Charlotte, does anyone know I own a house in Charlotte? It’s in Charlotte, you’ll see. It is the winery. I mean I know a lot about Charlotte."

"George Washington was very religious. Was George a religious person? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson?"

Then he goes on twitter and calls the removal of the mosque "foolish". He says, "Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and mosques."

How would that make you feel as an American? Now you can open your eyes. Rerun that story in your mind and replace Jihadist with White Supremacist and tell me if you would feel the same way.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The CIA ain't got nothin' on a woman with a plan

In the movie "Two Can Play That Game", Anthony Anderson tells his friend, Morris Chestnut, that "The CIA ain't got nothin' on a woman with a plan." As I was watching this movie last night, I wondered how Anderson and Chestnut ended up leading broadcast network shows and Fox ended up with cheap strippers on reality TV--but I digress--it put our current situation with the Russia Scandal and Donald into perspective.

I'm noticing an upswing in chatter from Republicans and Donald supporters trying to make this Obama wiretap thing happen. I think many people are repeating rhetoric and political spin they hear on FOX News or Mark Levine's radio show but they don't really understand it. So I'm going to break it down to you. One way will use spy jargon and specific technical terms and the second way will be in easy to understand Shanté Smith, Vivica Fox's character from the movie,

If you don't want the long-winded explanation skip right to Number 2.

Number 1: What really happened

The US, as with all countries, gathers intelligence on foreign actors in their country. This means if you are a diplomat, world leader, spy, banker, high ranking official--be you from a friendly state or hostile state--your communication is going to be monitored when you are in the US. This has been done for decades. It's a matter of course. When high ranking US officials go abroad they too are monitored or surveilled. It's the secret no one tells you about.

Once that data is collected and compiled it is given to the NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI or some other "Deep State" agency. Those reports, transcripts and other media are then given to the designated stakeholders, like department heads, cabinet members, congress members, the president, et al. In those reports if an American is "incidentally" (accidentally) monitored their names are redacted from the final reports. Apparently in the case of Mike Flynn, former NSA director and others, those names have now been "unamsked" or revealed. Members of Donald's campaign and transition team came into contact with Russian officials/ diplomats/ spies, etc. Those communications were monitored--because ALL communications with Russians are monitored--and some one inside the intelligence apparatus has leaked those names to member of the press. Republicans are trying to make a case that Pres Obama purposely, and by their inference, sinisterly listened in on a political enemy. The fact that all of this was done routinely without the president's consent or knowledge means nothing to them.

Number 2: The Shanté Smith Breakdown

Your cousin KeKe works at T-Mobile in their internal audit department. She has access to all T-Mobile customer's records. She's always suspected your boyfriend wasn't faithful. One day on her lunch break she saw your boyfriend out cheating on you. When she got back to work she pulled his text messages and voicemails and called you up and told you your man was cheating and she showed you the truth. Yes, she broke the law by revealing his personal information. And yes your boyfriend got mad and tried to convince you that KeKe was wrong and that his was the victim. But at the end of the day, he was cheating on you.

So in this scenario, you are America, Donald has been cheating of you with the Russians and the intelligence community is KeKe.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mexican students attack Americans over Boarder Wall

Daryl T Sturgis
21 MAR 2017 AT 16:45 ET

Lake Winnebago, WI

Each year hundreds of thousands of Mexican college spring breakers head north of the boarder for fun in the dim light and cold lakes of America's Rust Belt. But this year things got ugly when locals slammed the Mexican tourists for their bad behaviour and down right bigoted attitude toward their host country.

As the town's newspaper, the Lake Winnebago Cruiser, reported, the rowdy kids had just finished a tour on a boat in the shape of a giant bratwurst. The captain of the fun boat, who spoke anonymously, said, "The Mexican kids come up here every year and do the same thing. They overrun the town. We only tolerate it because it keeps us afloat during the office season."

This particular day his boat was packed with kids. Witnesses said that once the tour was over it was "pretty clear" the kids were drunk on Pabst Blue Ribbon and cheese curds. It seemed the incident started when a few Americans riding the boat waved American flags. Soon the Mexicans teens were jeering and chanting "Build your wall we don't want your douchey kids anyway!"

A local woman who works as a housekeeper at the inn, who also refused to giver her name said, "These are some bad hombres. They've been coming here for years." She also commented that her husband who works in a neighboring town said the kids love to eat their steaks well-done with lots of ketchup on them. Some Americans riding the giant bratwurst tried to to express their annoyance but the lushed-up kids just chanted "E.U.M.! E.U.M.! E.U.M.!" Then one student shouted "Get them outta here!"

A couple who had moved from Colorado Springs, CO years ago, Scottette and Tony Walker, told reporters they usually travel to Ontario this time of year to avoid the obnoxious tourist but found they had to return home because they were not allowed to cross the Canadian border. They said they just found out P.M. Justin Trudeau was building a wall between the US and Canada to make Canada great again. They did say it was a great wall and that they didn't mind that America was paying for it.